The Worship Quote of the Week for (03/12/1996):

"My Faith Has Found a Resting Place"
Here we have a few lines from one of the hymns of my youth. Not long ago, I
heard this hymn sung at a funeral service -- no accompaniment, no harmony,
just the simplicity of a solo voice. I was moved to tears.

My faith has found a resting place, not in device nor creed;
I trust the ever-living One, his wounds for me shall plead.
I need no other argument, I need no other plea,
It is enough that Jesus died, and that he died for me.
--- Lidie H. Edmunds, c. 1891

[It seems we are tempted to put our faith in a host of things other than work
of Christ on the cross. Some have even placed faith in faith itself, or in a
search for fulfillment or even in a worship style or philosophy. Lord, save
us from cheap substitutes!]

Have a great week!

P.S. There were 20 correct responses from last week's WORSHIP QUIZ. We'll
have a run-off for the prize. Here are the right answers.

1. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God e. Martin Luther, 1529
2. Shine, Jesus, Shine c. Graham Kendrick, 1988
3. O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing a. Charles Wesley (John Wesley's
brother), 1739
4. To God Be the Glory b. Fanny Crosby, 1875
5. We Will Glorify i. Twila Paris, 1982
6. All Creatures of Our God and King j. St. Francis of Assisi, c. 1225
7. Magnificat "My soul magnifies the Lord" k. Mary
8. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross g. Isaac Watts, 1707
9. Great is the Lord h. Michael W. Smith, 1982
10. Amazing Grace f. John Newton, 1779
11. I Love You, Lord d. Laurie Klein, 1978